VERNON - The Salvation Army Family Store is celebrating its Grand Re-Opening on May 16, 2015, to honor the One-Year Anniversary of its opening in Vernon. This store is located in the Kmart Shopping Plaza on 295 Hartford Turnpike in Vernon, right off of Route 83. The celebration will begin at 10:00 a.m. with KISS 95.7 broadcasting live onsite. Saturday shoppers will enjoy special promotions, giveaways, free refreshments, and many fantastic bargains! The first 100 shoppers will receive a special coupon at the door.
The Vernon store is designed to improve the shopping experience for its customers and includes 12,000 square feet of shopping space, filled with bargain-priced clothing, household items, electronics, books, toys, furniture, and collectables. Budget-conscious shoppers will also appreciate the store’s even deeper “Family Day” discounts on Wednesdays, and other special sales. The Vernon store provides customers with a much larger shopping space and an ample amount of parking. The store is open Monday through Saturday, from 9:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m.
When you shop, The Salvation Army also encourages you to bring along clothing or household item donations that can be resold to fund our Adult Rehabilitation Centers. Every donation and purchase makes a life-changing difference. Not just for those in the grip of addiction, but for their families as well. Tax receipts will be provided on-the-spot for any donations received during regular store hours. We encourage all of our customers to donate clothing and goods directly to the store. After-hours donations can be dropped in the bins located in the parking lot behind the store. For more information, please visit or call 1-800-SA-TRUCK (800-728-7825).