(Presenting/accepting awards [L - R] Lieutenant Isael Gonzalez, Nasser Mouane, Pastor Will Marotti, Jen Gordon, Major Dave Champlin, and Michael Murdy.)
MERIDEN – The Salvation Army of Meriden held their third annual Soup, Soap & Hope fundraiser on April 11 at the Four Points by Sheraton Meriden on Research Parkway. The local community turned out in strong support of the Army and also had the opportunity to taste some really great soups in the process. Surrounding area restaurants donated the soups to help raise funds to support local programs. Violi’s, Michael’s Trattoria, Colony Diner, Vespucci’s, MidState Medical Center, Sans Souci Restaurant, My City Kitchen, and Chief Trianor’s Firehouse Chowder were all participants this year.
This event was run by members of the Meriden Advisory Board. The Soup, Soap & Hope committee consisted of Michael Murdy (Chairman of the Board), Jennifer Gordon, Tom Marano, Wilma Ramos, and Jean Weaton. These dedicated volunteers spent a good deal of time planning, organizing, and running the event. Murdy said, “Although we are a small group, we continue to look for and recruit new members to our Board, so that we can do more to help those who are in need. Working together, we all share in the knowledge that we helped offer a better future to someone who would not have otherwise hoped for it.” Special thanks are also owed to the extremely supportive Teen Outreach Program of the Meriden Youth Services Division, who helped before, after, and during the event, from blowing up balloons to serving soup!
Meriden Commanding Officer, Lieutenant Isael Gonzalez, opened the program by thanking everyone in attendance for their support of both the event and of the Army’s mission. The founder of The Salvation Army, William Booth, had the idea “to fight against hunger, poverty, injustice and sin; and to bring hope to people’s lives.” Lieutenant Gonzales noted, “with the support of the people in the audience and with many hours of volunteering, The Salvation Army of Meriden will continue to help the disenfranchised with positive results and burning compassion.”
Southern New England Divisional Commander Major Dave Champlin delivered the Invocation and spoke on the Army and the theme behind – Soup, Soap and Salvation. He gave a few historical facts and explained why “we do what we do!”
Meriden Mayor Michael S. Rohde was in attendance and delivered a few words to the audience. He jokingly told the audience that he had informed his wife he would not be home for dinner because he would be out attending “Soup Night!” He thanked the Army for the services that they provide to residents of Meriden and praised the Army for being such a very strong community partner.
After attendees enjoyed the many delicious soups, the featured speaker was Senior Pastor Will Marotti from New Life Church. Pastor Will, always a friend and supporter of the Army, spoke about his observations and associations with the Army. His story starts with the Army helping his mother at Christmas when she was a child. He never passes by a red kettle without making a donation (he said paper, not coins, and that he gives on the way in and the way out)! He complimented the Army on our effectiveness at both doors! He told the audience that people in need often turn to churches in a time of crisis. Not surprisingly, The Salvation Army was extremely effective immediately after Superstorm Sandy. He noted how the number of people that were helped was staggering. Members of his New Life Church donated over $8,000 to the Army to help with storm assistance because… “you can always count on The Salvation Army.”
The last story Pastor Will spoke about was being with the Army on December 14th – the day of the Newtown shooting. He was working at his “other job,” broadcasting on WTIC NewsTalk 1080 at the Holiday Store. On this kickoff day, he was surrounded by a happy group of Army supporters when the tragic news started to pour in. He reported the information (off-air) to the people in the room. The atmosphere quickly changed! Furthermore, he was called into service that evening to tell one set of parents that their child would not be coming home. This is an experience that he will never forget, but he also knows that it is a pastor’s responsibility to reach out during times of a crisis. Like The Salvation Army performs during difficult times, it is God’s work to rise to the occasion in a time of need.
After coffee and dessert, Lieutenant Brenda Gonzalez also thanked everyone for coming and ended the program with the closing Benediction.