The Salvation Army in Danbury recently kicked off their 2016 Red Kettle season! The kickoff took place at City Hall with the following in attendance – Phil Curran, Warren Levy, Geoffrey Herald, and Kayanne Clausing. Volunteer bell ringers are needed for the season. Anyone interested can call or stop in at the Corps to set up a time and date to volunteer. Office hours are Mon-Fri 9:30am to 4:00pm.
The Thanksgiving distribution will be held this Wednesday, November16th and Thursday the 17th.Three hundred families are currently registered for the Christmas program with sign ups ending December 2nd. Food and toys will be distributed for families and individuals on December 19th and December 20th.
Throughout the rest of the year, The Salvation Army in Danbury offers food pantry services, and rent and utility emergency assistance for anyone in need. Other programs for the community include the Women's Group, Kids 4 God Kids Club for children 12 years old and under, homework help, Teen Club for teenagers 13-19 years old.
If interested in joining the Women's Auxiliary or Advisory Board, contact Captain Timothy or Captain Angela Shaffer.